Baby Development

0-1 Year

0 - 3 Month Physical Development
0 - 3 Month Physical Development
Coming to the world is a very challenging adventure for a tiny newborn. This smallest and newest member of your house does not yet know what is around, also is not very aware of its needs.
0 - 3 Month Mental and Social Development
0 - 3 Month Mental and Social Development
The first 3 months are the months when babies get used to the world. During these months they learn to feel comfortable and safe. You can support him in this important process and help him to gain confidence and feel comfortable.
0 - 3 Month Nutrition Development
0 - 3 Month Nutrition Development
It is known that the most suitable food for the first 6 months of baby is breast milk only. Breast milk contains many compounds that are not found in cow's milk or formula.
4 - 6 Month Physical Development
4 - 6 Month Physical Development
Sweet and new excitements await you in 4-6 months. Because in these months, your baby will start reacting actively to the person who is interested in him.
4 - 6 Month Mental and Social Development
4 - 6 Month Mental and Social Development
In 4-6 months, your baby starts to communicate by using his voice, movements and facial expression. He smiles when you point his toy and expresses that he wants to play with it by shaking his hands, arms and legs.
4 - 6 Month Nutrition Development
4 - 6 Month Nutrition Development
t is proper to continue with breast milk in the 4-6 months, as well. But as from these months, breast milk is no longer sufficient to meet the needs of the baby. Therefore, it is necessary to start with more intense food.
7 - 9 Month Physical Development
7 - 9 Month Physical Development
7-9 months are the months when your baby will be more active, meet new foods, learn new games and learn and improve how to communicate with people.
7 - 9 Month Mental and Social Development
7 - 9 Month Mental and Social Development
In months 7-9, your baby learns to think and solve problems. When the toy falls to the ground, he can look down to see where it goes, and starts to understand what is happening by following you and your actions.
7 - 9 Month Nutrition Development
7 - 9 Month Nutrition Development
You should continue breastfeeding during these months. In the morning, noon and evening meals, give additional food other than breast milk. If he wakes up at night, you can breastfeed your baby.
10 - 12 Month Physical Development
10 - 12 Month Physical Development
The months 10-12 are the period when the baby is beginning to specialize in communicating while reaching his first year in the world. It will be a source of happiness for you that your baby.
10 - 12 Month Mental and Social Development
10 - 12 Month Mental and Social Development
In these months, your baby understands more words than he can say. As he begins to understand what you say, he also becomes competent enough to fulfill your wishes with one stage and without pointing that.
10 - 12 Month Nutrition Development
10 - 12 Month Nutrition Development
Now your baby has met almost all foods, including some things on your own adult diet. In these months, you might be starting to think about stopping breastfeeding.