Baby Development

4-5 Year

4 - 5 Year Physical Development
4 - 5 Year Physical Development
This year, he/she will reach about twice the size of his/her birth. However, this is not a rule. This is normal if your child continues to grow according to his or her own development path. Avoid comparing him/her to other children.
4 - 5 Year Mental and Social Development
4 - 5 Year Mental and Social Development
Ages 4-5 are preschool. During these years, your child will experience significant social and spiritual improvements with the support of the game team.
4 - 5 Year Nutrition Development
4 - 5 Year Nutrition Development
At this age, your child can eat whatever you eat. You can see that he/she often eats healthy food. With some simple rules, you can provide them with healthy food and healthy eating habits.