0-1 Year

7 - 9 Month Physical Development

7-9 months are the months when your baby will be more active, meet new foods, learn new games and learn and improve how to communicate with people. As your baby becomes increasingly independent in his movements, he will also pursue new discoveries. At the same time, he learns that his actions have consequences, and he also learns how to get things that he wants. For example, when he smiles, he knows that his mother smiles; he learns to stretch his arms when he wants his mother to take him on her lap. In addition to physical development, the stages of his mental and social development will be exciting for you.

In 7-9 months your baby takes great steps towards being independent in his movements.

At the end of the month 7, your baby

  • can sit without help.
  • can eat solid food such as cracker by himself. 

At the end of the month 8, your baby

  • can give some weight to the legs when standing.
  • can switch one toy from one hand to another.
  • can search for a toy and grasp it in his palm.
  • can turn to a sound he hears.

At the end of the month 9, your baby

  • can try to catch a remote toy.
  • can follow a falling object.

Although there are large differences between children, the process of teething is as follows in many children:

  • 2 lower pre-cutter teeth grow in months 6-8
  • 2 upper upper cutter teeth grow in months 7-9
  • 2 pieces of upper side cutter teeth grow in months 8-10
  • 2 pieces of lower side cutter teeth grow in months 10-12.

These features are the development goals that are expected from each baby to reach in months 7-9. It is correct to consult your doctor if you observe deficiency in your baby at these stages.

Your baby may be doing other things at the end of the 9th month apart from these expected development goals. Some babies can stand up from sitting position at the end of the 9th month, can pass to sitting position from the weltering position, if you take his toy from his hands, he can ask for it and play back, remain standing by holding on someting or someone, hold a small object between his thumb and another finger, say mama-papa unconsciously. Some babies can shake hands and accompany hand-play, walk by holding on to objects and understand when no is said (but he will not always obey this instruction). Except for all these, some babies can roll back the ball rolling towards him, drink water alone from a cup with a handle, stand for a short time without clinging, say a word out of mama-papa, perform single-stage requests, for example when you say "give it to me", he can give the toy.

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