Week Development in Pregnancy

1-4 Weeks


Fertilization occurs when a female egg and a male sperm meet in a large tube (a tube that provides a connection between the uterus and the ovaries). The fertilized egg is called an embryo and continues to develop as it enters the uterus from the tube. It precipitates on the lining of the uterus at the blastocyst stage on the 5th or 6th day of embryonic development. During this attachment or nesting, referred to as implantation, a disc-like structure is formed which will provide a connection between the mother and the infant, referred to as the placenta. The HCG hormone released from this new placenta is a hormone measured in a pregnancy test. It is this hormone that causes the nausea of ​​expecting a mother.At the end of the fourth week, very small embryos were only 1 mm tall. The embryo is initially in the form of a pile of cells that will be divided into different layers that form the tissues of our body, such as muscles, bones and nervous system. At the same time, the umbilical cord comes out of one side of the placenta. During these weeks, the amniotic membrane (water bag) and amniotic fluid began to form. As your pregnancy begins, your demand for vitamins, minerals and energy will begin to increase. Multivitamins and minerals, you will start taking it according to your doctor's advice, which is very important for the healthy development of your pregnancy. If possible, a gynaecological examination should be performed before pregnancy, and if so, health problems should be controlled before pregnancy.


My baby is forming: The first moment when sperm and egg combine into one cell in the first 4 weeks, the cells begin to multiply rapidly. At the end of the first week, the cell mass falls on the inner wall of the uterus. In the second week, it became an embryo, and part of the fertilized egg attached to the wall of the uterus began to draw food from it. You may not feel anything at this time, when your baby, you will hug one day, be placed in your womb, or you may notice a slight swelling of your breasts and a slight pain in your lower abdomen. At the end of the second week, you may notice that you have no normal menstrual bleeding. If you have no doubt that you are pregnant during this time, you can now have a pregnancy test. Blood or urine testing can detect that you are pregnant. Your own urine pregnancy test usually gives the correct result 1 week after the menstrual period or earlier. Repeating the test in a few days or a week provides more consistent results.

First signs of pregnancy

  • No menstrual bleeding
  • Plump, weight, breast tenderness, nipple blackening
  • Feeling full of swelling, swelling and pain in the lower abdomen
  • Fatigue, lethargy, dizziness
  • Nausea and vomiting, especially in the morning
  • Frequent urination
  • Increased vaginal secretions

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